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Newsletter n.º 1

Summary of REF2, the Portuguese team, the first formation.

Newsletters: Sobre mim

Newsletter n.º 2

World of Dyslexia and Erasmus Day

Newsletters: Sobre mim

Newsletter n.º 3

In the context of the DUA in Practice project, of the Special Education Group of the Nelas School Group, classes were planned and streamlined using DUA, to improve reading and writing in the diversity of the classroom.

Newsletters: Sobre mim

Newsletter n.º 4

Despite everything we know is happening in Portugal and in the world, the REF2 Team, the base team and other members who are joining this Project, have been actively committed to taking advantage of the potential of REF2. This Newsletter talks about 3 of the activities that have been carried out

Newsletters: Sobre mim
Newsletters: Sobre mim

Newsletter n.º 5

Ainda em janeiro, publicámos mais uma Newsletter, desta vez no âmbito de um clube de leitura que está a ser desenvolvido no contexto deste projeto e de um outro para alunos com capacidades acima da média. Nesta Newsletter,são apresentados os alunos responsáveis pelo projeto e é feito um breve resumo do que se pretende realizar.


Newsletter n.º 6

In 2020/21 the REF2 resumed its course, following what was programmed. The world adapted to a reality that will change us forever, but the goals remained set in stone.

Activities with students, training for teachers, including international training held in Portugal, showed that, as we said before, we are alive and kicking.

This month a new school year begins and nothing better than to remember some aspects not yet mentioned in Newsletters already published.

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